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Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

Tengok Blog yang terlupakan

wah..ternyata saya lama sekali tidak posting di blog ini. blog yang pertama kali saya buat sekitar 5 tahun yang lalu.

Blog ini memang menjadikan blog yang begitu mengenang d hati saya karena pertama kali belajar HTML, CSS dll adalah di blog ini. belajar iseng nulis juga disini.

Tapi setelah berjalannya waktu saya ingin mencoba coba CMS blog yang lain. wordpress, jomlaa ato bahkan membuat blog yang memakai hosting dan domain sendiri. sehingga blog ini menjadikan terlupakan untuk sekedar dilihat ato posting. maaf ya...boy..emangnya cow kok boy.

Tapi semua blog yang saya punya memberikan banyak arti tentang dunia blogging. saya dapat teman, ikut komunitas.dll berawal dari blog ini juga..kedepannya saya ingin selalu konsisten untuk menulis d blog ini. walaupun disibukkan dengan urusan dan kerja nyata saya tetap ingin berbagi cerita dan ilmu lewat blog ini.

intinya saya ingin menghidupkan kembali blog saya yang telah lama mati ini...

Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Manfaat Submit ke Social Bookmarking

Social bookmark adalah salah satu tempat untuk menemukan atau bertukar informasi dan konten (berbagai jenis artikel) lain dari bermacam sumber web/blog, merupakan bagian suatu tempat mensosialisasikan maupun promosi konten. Di Indonesia sendiri situs sejenis sudah banyak berdiri dan kian berkembang, digunakan saling memberikan manfaat antara blogger, pencari informasi, dan advertiser.

Dengan melakukan submit situs atau halaman web ke situs social bookmarking maka kita akan mendapat beberapa keuntungan, antara lain:

Meningkatkan ranking pada SERP

Dengan melakukan submit ke dofollow social bookmarking maka akan menambah backlink ke situs kita. Semakin banyak backlink yang mengarah ke situs kita maka akan meningkatkan ranking situs kita pada SERP (search engine result pages).

Meningkatkan Jumlah Pengunjung

Kalau ranking situs kita pada SERP naik maka jumlah pengunjung blog atau situs kita juga akan naik. Selain itu kita juga bisa mendapatkan traffic langsung dari situs social bookmarking.

Mempercepat Pengindekan

Search engine seringkali melakukan crawl situs social bookmark beberapa kali dalam sehari. Dengan melakukan submit situs kita ke social bookmark maka situs kita juga relatif cepat untuk terindeks oleh search engine.

Meningkatkan PageRank

Banyak situs social bookmark dengan PageRank cukup tinggi menggunakan tag dofollow. Oleh karena itu kalau kita rajin submit ke situs social bookmark tersebut maka kemungkinan untuk meningkatkan PageRank situs kita juga semakin tinggi.

Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011

7 Ways to Sabotage Your Online Success

For many achieving online success with any type of business can prove to be very difficult due to personal habits. It is important to realize that maintaining all the necessary functions to keep your business operating smoothly will be your personal responsibility. As an online business entrepreneur it will be rare to have a 'staff' to assist you on a daily basis therefore managing time efficiently is crucial! Unfortunately many bring certain 'bad habits' to their businesses which ultimately can keep them from being successful.

Here are 7 common behavioral habits that are your personal responsibility to modify as a business entrepreneur if you expect to be successful on the internet!

Analysis Paralysis

Knowledge is king and there is plenty to be had online however it is meant to be used and not to freeze you in your tracks! It is important to learn to take action with what you have learned and stop dissecting everything you come across. Is there better information you can use available? Probably but if you wait till you find it you will never take action! Your success as an online business entrepreneur is based upon accomplishments and not spending your time pondering the 'what ifs' of every situation.


Becoming your own boss is great but remember for things to get done it will be in most cases your personal responsibility to see they get done! Remember, you most likely will not have a 'support' staff as a business entrepreneur so you can not afford to drag your feet, on anything!

Making Decisions

Being your own boss means you will have to make decisions. Many people are not use to being in this position therefore they will naturally struggle with some of the decisions that will need to be made. Remember once again, in most cases entrepreneurs will not have many if any people to help them manage the business and decision making will be their personal responsibility. You must learn to digest the information in front of you, decide upon a direction, and take action!

Lacking Follow-Thru

There will be occasions and plenty of them where intriguing 'opportunities' will present themselves. Many will prove useless while others may show greater promise for your business growth but in either case it will be up to you to check them out. Without further exploration or follow-up on your part you stand to miss out on opportunities for both business and personal growth as well!

Using Research to 'Avoid' Tasks

Doing research will be needed and many times crucial but when doing so managing time will be important since it is way too easy to get 'lost' surfing. In fact many use this as a cleverly disguised way of avoiding certain tasks. Once again it is up to you alone to do what it takes to operate and grow whatever businesses you are involved in so use your time productively!

Constant Project 'Abandonment'

If you find yourself jumping from one unfinished project to the next you are either not managing time properly or you are chasing after too many opportunities. In either case you will have to change this pattern of behavior since if nothing is getting finished then it is fair to assume you are also 'accomplishing' nothing as well!

Consistently Inconsistent Effort

Congratulations, you are now in business for yourself and by yourself therefore the amount of effort you invest will be in direct relationship to the results you receive! If you are not willing or able to give it a consistent effort then you can not expect much success. Something to think about!

Online success as a business entrepreneur is a realistic goal but in many cases certain behaviors need to be modified for this goal to be achieved! In fact it is often times these 'innocent' habits that can lead to sabotaging your chances at being successful! In many instances managing time seems to be the primary culprit however people need to also recognize it is their personal responsibility to make the necessary adjustments! Remember you are now the 'boss' therefore everything begins and ends with decisions and actions initiated by you! Are you up to the challenge? If so your success as an online business entrepreneur and financial independence awaits you around right around the corner!

article from HERE

Building a Blog – What it Takes

Building a blog that not only attracts people but keeps them coming back has everything to do with how you deliver your content. When visitors land on your platform they expect to find interesting and unique content consistent with the theme you promote. They also expect an occasional 'sparkle' of thought provoking insight or perspective casting new light on various but otherwise familiar topics. Most popular blogs seem to excel at this and at a closer glance it seems that this is more an acquired skill than a natural born talent. Remember your blogging platform is simply the 'pulpit' you are using to deliver messages, updates or maintain dialogue on subject matter of interest to both you and your readers. Doing this consistently is the core to the success of any of the most popular blogs you may find regardless of their niche!

Here is a look at 3 simple steps to take to prepare updates for your blogging platform that will be popular with readers thereby keeping them satisfied and loyal!

Developing Content

Working within any niche or with any selected theme you must learn where to find and develop or create the unique content you will need. In fact establishing some type of strategy as to how you are going to accomplish this is something you should do even before you publish your first post. Content will be vital to the growth and development of your site therefore ways and means of creating and/or developing it are critical to your success!

Learn to Present It

The way in which you present any material on your blog is often times a reflection of your own personality. In fact this is many times what makes for legitimately unique content since it can be assumed that your tone, insight and/or opinions are yours alone! You will simply need to grow comfortable expressing yourself through the written word but no worry since this will come with practice. And by the way, you will have plenty of practice!

Learn to 'Explain' Content

This is where you not only present your subject to readers but also explain to them why they should be interested and how the information they are viewing can be helpful. This could be as simple as explaining the reasons behind your opinions or the origin behind your insight on the subject. In any case you will want to focus on making your points clear and write in a way that is easy to understand so forget about displaying your vocabulary. Most popular blogs present their content in such a way that 'everybody' understands what it is they are saying. In a nutshell you simply need to write simply, does that make sense?

When building a blog you want and need to focus upon supplying your readers with interesting and unique content. The best way to do so is to allow your own personality to 'spill' over into your updates along with any applicable opinions or insights you may have. Remember your blogging platform will achieve its greatest success with your personal 'stamp' being placed on it but in doing so readers must be satisfied as well. The 3 steps presented above serve to help you prepare any updates in a way that reflects not only your own uniqueness but also popular topic choices for readers. By maintaining your focus on delivering content people will enjoy you stand the best chance of your site 'ranking' with other popular blogs within any field you have chosen!

article from HERE